January, 2015

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What Do You Believe?

Kevin Eikenberry

'I’ve certainly opened with a big question, and it is a question I want you to think about as you read, and hopefully far into the future. Specifically, I want you to think about the beliefs and expectations you hold about those you lead. But before I get back to you personally, let me give […]. The post What Do You Believe? appeared first on Kevin Eikenberry on Leadership & Learning.

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One Word Away From Transformation

Leadership Freak

'Leave a comment on today’s post to become eligible for one of fifty copies (50) of, “One Word that will change your life.” Focus, clarity, courage, and momentum are as simple as One Word.


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10 Ways to Rise Up After Screwing Up

Leadership Freak

'Everyone who tries fails. Growth happens when you fail and own it, not until. Everyone who blames stays the same. The price of greatness is responsibility.

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16 Ways to Think Like a Leader

Leadership Freak

'The title of leader is common, even cheap. But, a person who thinks like a leader is a thing of beauty. The first step toward becoming a leader is thinking like one.

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How to Leverage AI in EX & HR Service Delivery

Speaker: Miriam Connaughton and Donald Knight

Learn how leading companies leverage AI to transform the employee experience, at scale. We'll debunk myths and showcase practical tools to help you confidently integrate AI into your EX strategy. Learn to personalize experiences, automate tasks, and streamline processes for a holistic approach. Leave energized and ready to champion AI as the key to a thriving workforce.

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The Five Practices of Leadership

Leadership Freak

'Leaders aren’t mommy or daddy. Successful leaders encourage everyone to think and act like competent people of influence. When leaders act like mommy, team members act like children.

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Where People Love Working Together

Leadership Freak

'Successful leaders build environments where people love working together. Environments emerge from language, conversation, and behavior. 4 essentials to successful environment building #1. Intolerance: Environment building includes confrontation.


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How to Turn Passive Followers Into Active Leaders

Leadership Freak

'You aren’t worthy of leadership if fear of giving control controls you. Successful leaders move away from “permission mode.” Permission: Don’t you hate it when someone asks permission to do something?

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The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

Leadership Freak

'Over-committed leaders may be remarkable for a while, then they aren’t. Over-commitment dilutes and destroys. Cracks and work: Things are falling through the cracks. I love hard work. I don’t want to work less.

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Seven Principles of Passion

Leadership Freak

'Leadership is agony apart from passion. Everyone one who ever made a difference had passion. Nothing of significance is done without it. 5 things that drain passion: Distant leaders. Work without purpose.

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The 3 Most Dangerous Things Leaders Don’t Do

Leadership Freak

'Sincere leaders fall flat because of things they don’t do. #1. Acknowledge when it isn’t working. Fear of failure prevents leaders from acknowledging failure. Tenacity keeps leaders doing things that aren’t working.

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Engage, Empower, Excel: Transforming Performance in the New Era of Work

Speaker: Radhika Samant and Adri Glover

The world of work has fundamentally changed. The series of waves that the pandemic began have rippled through the Great Resignation, quiet quitting, the Great Regret, and other eloquent phrases that boil down to the same thing: people aren’t engaged at work or enabled to perform at their best. The truth is that engagement and enablement is more important than ever, but how we do it is the critical differentiator for many organizations.

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5 Ways to Spot Leaders with Character

Leadership Freak

'You dare stand with men and women of character. But, protect yourself from leaders who love position, rely on authority, and need admiration. Character invites respect and loyalty.

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Remarkable TV: Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

Kevin Eikenberry

'Check out today’s Remarkable TV episode for 5 ways to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions! Episode 51 Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions_1 Want resolutions that work? Stop resolving and start taking action. @KevinEikenberry (Tweet It!) Until next time … You are Remarkable! The post Remarkable TV: Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions appeared first on Kevin Eikenberry on Leadership & Learning.

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15 Qualities of Great Coaches

Leadership Freak

'The dearth of talent speaks to self-absorbed leaders who focus more on results than people. Dedicate yourself to developing people. Great people deliver great results.

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How to Let Yourself Be Angry

Leadership Freak

'Dreamers feel frustration. Let yourself be angry. Suppressing anger wastes energy. I know people who have been frustrated for years. The reason you’re circling the same frustration is you aren’t angry enough.

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Unlock Hidden Talents: The SBO Blueprint For Success

Speaker: Brian Richardson

With a staggering 92% of CEOs prioritizing skill development, and 84% struggling with transformation, understanding SBO is critical. Drawing on extensive research and collaboration with hundreds of leading organizations, discover key hurdles and innovative best practices in upskilling. You'll leave with a comprehensive understanding of Skills-Based Organization (SBO), tailored insights into your organization's current capabilities, and a toolkit of effective strategies.

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How to Overcome a Negative Past

Leadership Freak

'The past is a weight that grows heavier with the passage of time. Little mistakes grow larger. Offenses get heavier. Failures persecute. The past crushes those who hang on to it.

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If You Were Gone in Twelve Months

Leadership Freak

'I made a decision late in 2014 that I would lead like I’ll be gone in 12 months. I’m not planning on being gone. I didn’t make an announcement.

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What Leaders Can Learn From Watching the Super Bowl

Kevin Eikenberry

'Chances are, in a few days you will be watching the Super Bowl. Whether at a party, or home alone, whether you are a true fan of the game or of the Seahawks or Patriots, or are just watching for the commercials, the Super Bowl is more than a chance to relax, root, eat or […]. The post What Leaders Can Learn From Watching the Super Bowl appeared first on Kevin Eikenberry on Leadership & Learning.

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Stop Pushing – Create Pull

Leadership Freak

'Would you rather push or be pulled? Coaching-leadership offers innovative approaches to talent development and results. 4 myths about coaching-leadership: #1. Traditional leaders tell and give answers; coaching-leaders don’t lead.

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Mastering Remote Onboarding: Proven Strategies for Seamless New Hire Integration

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

Join this brand new webinar with Tim Buteyn to learn how you can master the art of remote onboarding! By the end of this session, you'll understand how to: Craft a Tailored Onboarding Checklist 📝 Develop a comprehensive, customized checklist that ensures every new hire has a smooth transition into your company, no matter where they are in the world.

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7 Ways to Defeat Energy Vampires

Leadership Freak

'One energy vampire* drains the entire team. A small energized team goes further than a large team with one black hole. Negative energy dominates apart from intervention. Successful leaders, monitor, manage, and fuel energy.

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5 Questions to Positive Energy

Leadership Freak

'Organizational energy is leadership’s responsibility. Negative energy is the result of neglect or ignorance. Successful leaders energize others. Focus on energy: In as little as five minutes, you can energize a team member.

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The Journey is the Answer

Leadership Freak

'Leaders always land in the wilderness, eventually. It feels like failure – but it’s transformation – for all who emerge on the other side. His summary of the wilderness was, “The wheels came off.

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How to Coach Angry Leaders

Leadership Freak

'Frustration, used well, fuels transformation. Avoiding it is embracing stagnation. I love talking and listening to frustrated leaders. Sure they may say some dumb things, but they say what they mean.

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Change Management 101: A Practical 3 Part Guide

Implementing new tools or business processes in your organization? Lemon Learning put together a practical 3 part guide to prevent the pitfalls of change management. Drive a successful change management project from diagnosis through to measurement.

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How to Use Doubt and Belief as Motivation

Leadership Freak

'Doubt inspires fear and insecurity, usually. Belief inspires boldness. Doubt as motivation: “I’m not sure you can do it,” drives those driven to prove you wrong. Doubt fuels performance when seven things are true.

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How to Deal with Honest Self-Deception

Leadership Freak

'You know when you deceive others, but you deceive yourself with a clear conscience. Self-deception feels like honesty. You beat yourself up when you should encourage yourself. Or, you let yourself off too easily.

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What Adults Can Learn From Show and Tell

Kevin Eikenberry

'Apparently today is Show and Tell Day at Work. Who knew? When I read this fact, it got me thinking. I went back to Mrs. Fredrick’s kindergarten classroom on a warm spring day. I was called to the front. It was my turn to share! No, I don’t remember exactly what I […]. The post What Adults Can Learn From Show and Tell appeared first on Kevin Eikenberry on Leadership & Learning.

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How to Find Your Nut

Leadership Freak

'Fill in the blank, “All I care about is _.” If you can’t complete it, you’re just going through the motions. A person going in many directions ends up going nowhere.

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Thriving as a Lean & Mean HR Machine

Speaker: Kjerstin Greene and Adri Glover

Feeling like you’re drowning in HR responsibilities? If you’re an HR professional with little or no additional support, or in a non-HR role juggling HR tasks with other responsibilities, you likely wear many hats – from recruitment and onboarding to benefits and employee engagement. This can be overwhelming, but Adri Glover and Kjerstin Greene are here to help!

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The Four Letter Word that Makes the Difference

Leadership Freak

'It matters more that you believe in work than you believe in yourself. You say, if you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t work. But, self-belief is irrelevant, if you don’t work.

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How Values Expedite Connection and Integration

Leadership Freak

'We’re integrating a new team member. I asked her about values. Her first words were about excellence. Values as points of integration and connection: She’ll interact with team members with their own personal values.

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10 Ways to Divest and Distribute Control

Leadership Freak

'Top-down control suggests people are ignorant, incompetent, and unmotivated. Fear motivates a need for control. Centralized control makes weak leaders feel powerful. Centralized controls: De-motivate people who actually do the work. Stifle creativity.

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Forget the Scoreboard

Leadership Freak

'The inevitable extension of servant leadership is coaching. Results are by-products. Forget the scoreboard. Focus on the process. The belief that leading is telling blocks leaders from coaching.

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Beyond the Check-in: Building Trust and Performance Through Powerful 1:1s

Speaker: Alex Seale, Kjerstin Greene, and Holly McIlwain

Feeling like your one-on-one meetings are just going through the motions? Unfortunately, a majority of 1:1s fall under the ineffective category. Nearly half of direct reports rate their 1:1s with their managers as suboptimal, according to Harvard Business Review research. This webinar will help you transform your weekly check-ins into powerful tools for building a thriving team.