October, 2014

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7 Powerful Qualities of Servant-Leaders

Leadership Freak

'Every act of leadership is an act of service. Anything less is exploitation. The higher you go, the more people you get to serve. People aren’t in organizations to serve leaders.

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Five Things That Matter More When Leading Other Leaders

Kevin Eikenberry

'You may be thinking “I don’t lead leaders; I don’t need to read this.” Even if you don’t (yet), there are three important reasons why you need to keep reading: Some day you might lead leaders – and thinking about these ideas now is worth the minimal effort required. You may want to share it […]. The post Five Things That Matter More When Leading Other Leaders appeared first on Kevin Eikenberry on Leadership & Learning.


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12 Courageous Acts of Leadership

Leadership Freak

'Meetings suck, problems persist, and relationships degrade because of cowardice. Mediocrity persists for lack of courage. You begin with a dream, but the real issue is courage.

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7 Questions that Confront Paralysis

Leadership Freak

'The status quo makes sense to the fearful. The nobility of leadership is taking action for the good of others. Successful leaders fight through cluttered thinking and excuse-making to find reasonable action.

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How to Leverage AI in EX & HR Service Delivery

Speaker: Miriam Connaughton and Donald Knight

Learn how leading companies leverage AI to transform the employee experience, at scale. We'll debunk myths and showcase practical tools to help you confidently integrate AI into your EX strategy. Learn to personalize experiences, automate tasks, and streamline processes for a holistic approach. Leave energized and ready to champion AI as the key to a thriving workforce.

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How to Energize Your Organization

Leadership Freak

'The four elements of unhappiness are helplessness, paralysis, isolation, and insignificance. You can’t feel happy and feel like you don’t matter. Energy: Successful leaders energize. Happiness is energy. Success always includes making someone feel happy.

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10 Ways to Rise and Thrive After Disappointment

Leadership Freak

'The disappointments of the sincere destroy them. The worst thing you can do with disappointment is live with it. 5 disappointment traps: Self-evaluation based on ambiguous standards. You’re not sure what you wanted.

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How to Develop the People You Really Want

Leadership Freak

'Leaders who neglect people seldom get what they really want. Three essentials for skillful leaders: Produce useful results. Building relationships. Strengthening culture.

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10 Principles for Coaching Your Players to Success

Leadership Freak

'Impatient leaders rely on power and authority to get things done. Persistent application of power and authority drains energy from those in it’s wake. Coaching leaders share power.

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Seven Ways to Spot Wise Advice You Should Follow

Leadership Freak

'Wise leaders listen to wise leaders. But, the danger of seeking advice is listening to fools. Avoid advice from arrogant know-it-alls who are eager to tell you what to do.

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Six Reasons Why Boundaries Help Everyone Be More Successful

Kevin Eikenberry

'There are all sorts of boundaries in our lives. Boundaries define the playing field for most sports. Fences provide boundaries for homes and farms. Walls keep people in, or out. These are obvious and clear boundaries. There are others that while we know they exist, there isn’t a physical line of demarcation. The boundaries in […]. The post Six Reasons Why Boundaries Help Everyone Be More Successful appeared first on Kevin Eikenberry on Leadership & Learning.

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Engage, Empower, Excel: Transforming Performance in the New Era of Work

Speaker: Radhika Samant and Adri Glover

The world of work has fundamentally changed. The series of waves that the pandemic began have rippled through the Great Resignation, quiet quitting, the Great Regret, and other eloquent phrases that boil down to the same thing: people aren’t engaged at work or enabled to perform at their best. The truth is that engagement and enablement is more important than ever, but how we do it is the critical differentiator for many organizations.

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John Maxwell on the Three Phases of His Journey Pt. 1

Leadership Freak

'John Maxwell told me there have been three phases to his leadership journey. The first is having followers. Follower phase: A leader without followers is delusional.

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The Five-to-Fold Decision-Making Model

Leadership Freak

'“All in favor say I.” “All opposed say nay.” But, what if you’re “sort of” in favor? Something is very wrong if everyone around the table is in %100 agreement on complex issues.

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John Maxwell’s Hatchet Committee

Leadership Freak

'Frazzled ineffective leaders can’t say “no.” Leaders who can’t commit to priorities end up over-committed to trivialities. Over-committed leaders fall short of their potential.

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How to Rise Above Overworked and Overwhelmed

Leadership Freak

'How can you overcome things that prevent you from being at your best? “There are simple, relatively easy steps you can take to pull your life from the brink.

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Unlock Hidden Talents: The SBO Blueprint For Success

Speaker: Brian Richardson

With a staggering 92% of CEOs prioritizing skill development, and 84% struggling with transformation, understanding SBO is critical. Drawing on extensive research and collaboration with hundreds of leading organizations, discover key hurdles and innovative best practices in upskilling. You'll leave with a comprehensive understanding of Skills-Based Organization (SBO), tailored insights into your organization's current capabilities, and a toolkit of effective strategies.

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Five Common Beliefs that Sabotage Sincere Leaders

Leadership Freak

'Wrong beliefs sabotage sincere leaders. Sincerity doesn’t compensate for ignorance. You sincerely adopt beliefs and practices that block success. Everyone does. With time and reflection you learn and adapt, or you crash.

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7 Ways to Stop Vultures and Protect Vitality

Leadership Freak

'Bad leaders only feel good when they’re talking about bad. Problem-centric leaders circle death and neglecting vitality. Focus: Organizations stink when vulture-leaders take over.

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Three Ways to Protect Success

Leadership Freak

'Letting down destroys you. Maintaining and sustaining success is harder than achieving it. Humility is your companion on the way up. Arrogance trips you at the top. Three ways to protect success: #1.

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How to Get the Most From Irritating People

Leadership Freak

'You don’t want to understand irritating people. You want to control, correct, or eject them. Leaders who don’t understand irritating people resort to authority and miss opportunity.

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Mastering Remote Onboarding: Proven Strategies for Seamless New Hire Integration

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

Join this brand new webinar with Tim Buteyn to learn how you can master the art of remote onboarding! By the end of this session, you'll understand how to: Craft a Tailored Onboarding Checklist 📝 Develop a comprehensive, customized checklist that ensures every new hire has a smooth transition into your company, no matter where they are in the world.

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Four Ways “S” Expands Leadership

Leadership Freak

'A word without an “s” imposes a burden. “What is the solution,” limits options and inflicts unnecessary pressure. “What solutions can we develop,” expands and releases. #1.

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Simple Question – Profound Shift

Leadership Freak

'Don’t feel bad if you haven’t mastered the shift from serving self to serving others. It’s a journey. I don’t know about you, but self-serving attitudes come naturally to me.

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What John Maxwell Learned from John Wooden

Leadership Freak

'John Maxwell said, “As a young leader … I was always in a hurry. I gave a lot of directions and asked very few questions… I was often wrong but seldom in doubt.

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4 Ways to Deal with what Really Drives Leaders Crazy

Leadership Freak

'Patterns, not isolated incidents, drive you crazy. Three missed deadlines are worse than one. But, it’s likely you overreacted to the last occurance, if you didn’t respond to the first.

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Change Management 101: A Practical 3 Part Guide

Implementing new tools or business processes in your organization? Lemon Learning put together a practical 3 part guide to prevent the pitfalls of change management. Drive a successful change management project from diagnosis through to measurement.

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10 Ways to Reject Bad Failure and Embrace Good

Leadership Freak

'Some types of failure should be tolerated, even welcomed; other types should be rejected completely. Failure is good when you’re better for it and others don’t pay too high a price.

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How to Deal with Unreasonable Contrarians

Leadership Freak

'A river without banks drifts calmly into oblivion. Constraint makes the river powerful. Tell teams what they can’t do and where they can’t go and they’ll get further, faster.

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John Maxwell on the Three Phases His Journey Pt. 3

Leadership Freak

'Isolation limits potential, restricts capacity, and lowers impact. Influence expands exponentially through partnerships. Isolation is the enemy. The first phase of a leader’s journey is having followers. The second is developing leaders.

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How to Prevent Unnecessary Conflict

Leadership Freak

'The worst fight is the one’s that’s unnecessary. People collide over small issues and completely miss the big stuff. Agree on deeper purpose before solving surface problems.

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Thriving as a Lean & Mean HR Machine

Speaker: Kjerstin Greene and Adri Glover

Feeling like you’re drowning in HR responsibilities? If you’re an HR professional with little or no additional support, or in a non-HR role juggling HR tasks with other responsibilities, you likely wear many hats – from recruitment and onboarding to benefits and employee engagement. This can be overwhelming, but Adri Glover and Kjerstin Greene are here to help!

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Courage to Take a Different Path

Leadership Freak

'The most frightening thing in life is reaching for what lies deepest in your heart. You won’t get there alone. Mentors ignite courage and fuel progress.

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7 Payments to Passion

Leadership Freak

'The trouble with passion is the cost. Telling people to follow their passion is irrelevant in a world where they actually do.

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What (and Where) Will You Learn in 2015?

Kevin Eikenberry

'It is an important question. What will you learn? Once you determine that, you then need to determine how you will learn those skills. If your how includes a workshop experience, you are in the right place. Because we have released our public workshop schedule for the first half of 2015! If your “what” includes […]. The post What (and Where) Will You Learn in 2015?

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Remarkable TV: Three Things to Do When in Conflict [VIDEO]

Kevin Eikenberry

'There are three things all leaders need to know in order to successfully move from conflict to resolution. I’ll reveal these below in my latest episode of Remarkable TV. Three Things to Do When in Conflict When resolving conflicts, learn from but don’t live in the past. @KevinEikenberry (Tweet It) You can learn more about […]. The post Remarkable TV: Three Things to Do When in Conflict [VIDEO] appeared first on Kevin Eikenberry on Leadership & Learning.

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Beyond the Check-in: Building Trust and Performance Through Powerful 1:1s

Speaker: Alex Seale, Kjerstin Greene, and Holly McIlwain

Feeling like your one-on-one meetings are just going through the motions? Unfortunately, a majority of 1:1s fall under the ineffective category. Nearly half of direct reports rate their 1:1s with their managers as suboptimal, according to Harvard Business Review research. This webinar will help you transform your weekly check-ins into powerful tools for building a thriving team.