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Why Are Companies That Lose Money Still So Successful?

Harvard Business Review

In a well-functioning capital market, profits should be the sole criterion for firm survival; that is, firms reporting losses should disappear. Of late, however, loss-making firms are highly sought after by investors — often more than some profitable firms. Unicorns, or startups with valuations exceeding a billion dollars, are examples of such loss-making firms.

Accounts 130
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Why Adaptability Makes You an Asset in Today’s Job Market

Thought Leaders LLC

Adaptability can propel your career with confidence and resilience by helping you learn how to be comfortable in changing environments and pivot quickly. Today’s guest post is b y Paul Bramson, CEO — The Paul Bramson Companies Today’s job market is characterized by rapid technological advancements, globalization, and shifting market demands, leading to constant changes.


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 Do You Have a Toxic Work Environment? How To Spot It and Take Action

Lolly Daskal

In the realm of effective leadership, people management skills are paramount, especially when it comes to identifying and rectifying a toxic work environment. A revealing study by the Workplace Bullying Institute indicates that 61% of U.S. employees are aware of abusive conduct in the workplace. Such toxicity not only hampers productivity but also significantly impacts employee well-being.

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Interview Notes: 9 Reasons To Take & Best Practices To Follow (+Free Templates)


Interview notes are essential to the recruitment process — they help recruiters and hiring managers accurately recall details of candidate interviews. Recording interview notes can also help mitigate biases and support fair decision-making during the hiring process. As an HR professional, you can also use interview notes to benchmark best practices based on successful hires.

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Mastering Remote Onboarding: Proven Strategies for Seamless New Hire Integration

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

Join this brand new webinar with Tim Buteyn to learn how you can master the art of remote onboarding! By the end of this session, you'll understand how to: Craft a Tailored Onboarding Checklist 📝 Develop a comprehensive, customized checklist that ensures every new hire has a smooth transition into your company, no matter where they are in the world.

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I don’t see the point of taking time off, explaining a black eye on Zoom calls, and more

Alison Green

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. It’s four answers to four questions. Here we go… 1. I don’t see the point of taking PTO I work a customer-service-heavy role, and my manager has been wonderful about encouraging us to take PTO if we’re feeling burnt out. Except … I don’t see the point. Yes, I’m burnt out from work, but taking time off work doesn’t magically make all my issues go away: I still have to cope with a special needs dog, I can’t “do anything” because

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The 4 Trajectories – Seizing the Intentional Future

Leadership Freak

I learned a powerful model I'm sharing today. Learn to notice the trajectory of conversations. More important, learn to open a door toward the intentional future. Words are rudders. Skillful leaders understand the trajectory of conversations.

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Treat Your Team Members Like Individuals

Thought Leaders LLC

Treating your people like individuals makes them feel seen and improves their performance. Learn how to develop a maxim for treating your team members as individuals. No one wants to be treated like a faceless cog in the machine. We all want to be known as individuals. We want to feel like our wants and needs are important, especially to our leaders.

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Good Stress vs. Bad Stress: Understanding and Leveraging Both


Stress is a part of our everyday lives, but not all stress is bad. While many people believe stress is always negative, the fact is, we need stress in our lives. We usually don’t brag about being stressed. In fact, many of us dream of living lives that are as “stress-free” as possible. But is that really a good goal?

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I think my new job’s salary offer is a mistake

Alison Green

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. A reader writes: I work for a toxic organization, and I’ve been looking for opportunities elsewhere. A job opened up in my home city that would be a lateral move for me so I applied and was offered the job. Hooray! However, the salary included in the offer email was WAY more than I was expecting — not in a good way — in a suspicious way.

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How To Take Your Weekly Team Meetings to the Next Level

Lolly Daskal

Transforming weekly team meetings from mundane check-ins to dynamic, productive sessions can significantly impact team efficiency and morale. A recent Harvard Business Review study found that 71% of senior managers view meetings as unproductive and inefficient. To counter this trend, it’s essential to revitalize these gatherings with strategies that engage and invigorate team members.

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Cultivating Engagement: Strategies and Actionable Plans for Success

Speaker: Alberta Johnson

Once upon a time, in the bustling world of corporate landscapes, HR professionals like you were the unsung heroes. Your mission: to unlock the secrets of employee engagement and transform workplaces into thriving communities. 🦸 🏢 Join us in our upcoming webinar to uncover why engagement is the magic ingredient for organizational success.

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How Starbucks Devalued Its Own Brand

Harvard Business Review

Starbucks is struggling. It has strayed from its successful strategy of offering customers exceptional experiences and, in the process, has commoditized itself. This article analyzes where it went wrong and offers ideas for how the company can turn itself around. It holds lessons for other companies that compete by providing customers distinctive experiences.

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How To Create a Workplace Culture That Truly Embraces Diversity


Diversity is strength. Period. The numbers show that diverse teams perform better than their more homogeneous counterparts. But just like any other objective, there are right and wrong ways to build a workplace culture that promotes diversity. I’m Andrew Adeniyi , CEO of AAA Solutions and author of The Circle of Leadership: A Framework for Creating & Leveraging Culture.

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25 Employee Onboarding Statistics & Trends You Must Know in 2024


Employee onboarding can make or break an employee’s experience at an organization. Recent statistics show its profound impact on satisfaction, performance, and willingness to stay. This article will look at various employee onboarding statistics, uncovering trends, challenges, and opportunities in onboarding. Contents The current state of employee onboarding Preboarding statistics Employee onboarding duration and timeline The costs of employee onboarding Employee onboarding impact on talent rete

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managing an interruptor during urban foraging, offering to consult for my old job, and more

Alison Green

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Managing an interruptor during an urban foraging class A dear friend of mine teaches classes on urban foraging for edible weeds, such as dandelions, creeping wood sorrel, and stinging nettles. She’s written a book on how to identify, ethically forage, and cook common urban weeds.

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Change Management 101: A Practical 3 Part Guide

Implementing new tools or business processes in your organization? Lemon Learning put together a practical 3 part guide to prevent the pitfalls of change management. Drive a successful change management project from diagnosis through to measurement.

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What Are People Management Skills? 6 Skills Every Leader Needs

Lolly Daskal

People management skills are essential for any leader who aims to bring out the best in their team. A LinkedIn survey revealed that 92% of hiring professionals believe soft skills, including people management, are equally or more important than technical skills. This finding highlights the critical role these skills play in leadership success. As an executive leadership coach, I’ve seen the transformative impact of effective people management on team dynamics and productivity.

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How Smaller Companies Can Join the Circular Economy

Harvard Business Review

Even smaller and medium-size enterprises can become more sustainable by finding other companies that need their waste. Pursuing those opportunities — and becoming part of the circular economy — entails four steps: take stock of your materials flow, seek collaboration opportunities, leverage digital marketplaces, and treat going circular as a major change program.

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Leading Thoughts for June 27, 2024

Michael McKinney

I DEAS shared have the power to expand perspectives, change thinking, and move lives. Here are two ideas for the curious mind to engage with: I. Professor L.A. Paul on how to think about important life choices: “As we live our lives, we find ourselves confronted with a brute fact about how little we can know about our futures—just when it is most important to us that we do know.

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HSL: An Intuitive Way to Represent Color in CSS

Help Scout Leadership

When writing CSS, the most common formats we use for expressing a color are either a hex code or an RGB value. But are they the best way? Learn to see color as an artist with HSL.

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The Rules Do Apply: Navigating HR Compliance

Speaker: Ann Meyers Piccirillo

HR Compliance is like a giant game of whack-a-mole. Once you think your company is compliant with all policies and procedures documented and in place, there’s a new or amended law, regulation, or final rule that pops up landing you back at ‘start.’ There are shifts, interpretations, and balancing acts to understanding compliance changes. Keeping up is not easy and it’s very time consuming.

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coworker constantly changes her schedule, interviewer refused to let me meet the job’s manager, and more

Alison Green

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My coworker constantly changes her schedule I am member of a small team with four core staff, including my manager and me. One of my core colleagues is part-time, three days a week. My manager gives her flexibility on this, so she changes her hours to suit her needs every week, to the point where I feel it is negatively affecting all of our work.

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Podcast: The Problem with Megaproviders

Kellogg Insight

In episode 1 of our 5-episode series, “Insight Unpacked: American Healthcare and Its Web of Misaligned Incentives,” we investigate how hospital systems got so big—and what that means for our health and our pocketbooks.

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3 Ways to Build a Culture That Lets High Performers Thrive

Harvard Business Review

Many companies build cultures that are focused on controlling the output of low performers, rather than growing and unlocking everyone’s skills. This approach is low-ROI and ultimately problematic for high-performance cultures. Leaders spend an inordinate amount of time handholding their least productive colleagues, instead of helping their strongest contributors move faster and do more.

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No Matter What Work You Do, You Have a Customer

Michael McKinney

I F SOMEONE was to ask you who is your customer, you would probably easily answer the question. Regardless of what you do at work you probably know who buys the product or service your company makes. Now, if that same someone were to ask you who consumes the work that you personally do, the answer may not come as easily. In a lot of cases, the person who uses what you make isn’t the end customer of your company.

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From Awareness to Action: An HR Guide to Making Accessibility Accessible

Speaker: Danielle Johnson - Director of HR, Compliance & DEI in AI tech at Impact Observatory

Making accessibility accessible for organizations of all sizes may seem complex, but it doesn’t have to be. Prepare to broaden your understanding of Disability, Cultural Competency, and Inclusion with this insightful webinar. We’ll explore disability as a vibrant culture, understand the nuances of reasonable accommodations under the ADA, and navigate the complexities of undue hardship while challenging the status quo of accessibility practices.

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10 Important Things Never To Do When Managing People

Lolly Daskal

Management is as much about what you shouldn’t do as what you should. A Gallup poll revealed that one in two employees had left a job to get away from a manager and improve their overall life at some point in their career. This statistic underscores the critical impact management practices have on employee retention and satisfaction. As an executive leadership coach, I’ve seen firsthand how certain management missteps can significantly undermine team morale and productivity.

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let’s hear your weird summer intern stories

Alison Green

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. Over the years, we’ve heard about an an intern who gave another intern a tattoo in the office conference room; an intern who set up a cot for himself in a large open work space, complete with pillow shams; an intern who was blown away by an electric stapler ; an intern who desperately wanted to work from a patio , and many more.

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4 Reasons Goal Setting Conversations Fail and How To Fix Them

Leadership Freak

Failure is often the result of something undone. Goal setting is imagination. Follow through is reality. This post provides solutions for 4 common reasons goal setting conversations fail. Are you having the same conversations over and over?

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Reinventing the Core Value Statement

Harvard Business Review

Companies are moving beyond traditional core value statements to embrace more resonant and distinctive expressions of their ethos. This shift reflects a desire for authenticity and alignment with strategic objectives, as seen in the adoption of alternative formats like credos, manifestos, and principles that resonate with specific stakeholder groups.

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AI & DEI: With Great Opportunities Comes Great HR Responsibility

Speaker: Jen Kirkwood - Partner, Responsible HR & AI at IBM and World Economic Forum Executive Fellow

The promise of AI for today’s organizations is real, yet in a frenzied state of experimentation, many stumble to get to a full-scale enterprise. As companies race to discover what generative AI can do, HR must lead conversations about how to balance cutting-edge innovations with integrity, trust, and diversity. Globally, organizations are at a critical intersection of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and AI acceleration.

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Strategic Alignment in the Age of AI: The 7 Foundations of Competitive Success

UVA Darden

Strategic Alignment in the Age of AI: The 7 Foundations of Competitive Success ahmeds Fri, 06/28/2024 - 10:23 Image 28 June 2024 Strategy Operations & Technology Insights from In “The Boys in the Boat,” the recent George Clooney directed movie based on the book of the same name, a motley group of American rowers wins gold at the 1936 Olympics against a formidable German crew.

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Do Your Direct Reports Have Leadership Potential? 14 Signs They Do

Lolly Daskal

Identifying leadership potential within your team is a crucial aspect of effective management and succession planning. According to a study by the Corporate Executive Board, organizations with strong leadership development practices outperform their competitors by up to 13 times in financial performance. Recognizing future leaders early allows for targeted development, ensuring a robust pipeline for your organization’s leadership succession.

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I used ChatGPT to replace a team’s input when they weren’t responding … and now I’m panicking

Alison Green

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. A reader writes: I messed up royally. I’m two years in my first full-time role. My job is like in-house consulting. My team is trying to improve our internal processes. We interview people in the process about what they’re struggling with and look for ways to improve it. I’ve done a lot of these interviews by now, but one of them was like pulling teeth from a lion trying to bite you.

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How to Keep Employees Engaged When You’re Short-Staffed


Short-staffed organizations don’t have enough people to handle all the work that needs to get done. When that goes on for too long, employees start taking notice and employee engagement suffers. Watching important tasks go undone, having to work through lunch to hit deadlines, and feeling like promotion opportunities have gone the way of the dodo all take their toll on your workforce.

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DEIB Reimagined: Navigating Change and Shaping the Future

Speaker: Lachandra B. Baker, MBA, CTA, CDP - Founder/Principal Consultant at LBB Edutainment, Keynote Speaker, and Author

Join us for an insightful session where we delve into the evolving landscape of DEIB. Discover the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities that have emerged over the past year and explore what lies ahead. This webinar will equip you with actionable strategies, best practices, and reflection tools to effectively lead and inspire change in your organization.